Different fake commercial items including Nidos full of dust, Nike,Lacoste shirts , TV screens, Rayco cooking ingredients, HP computer’s ink among other items were arrested and shown to the media at the Police station.The Wipe-out operation aims at arresting all the fake items that are being sold in different corners of Rwanda.

Spt Urbain Mwiseneza the Police officer who was leading the check up said that the operation is carried out in order to respect the Law stipulating that anyone who counterfeits the commercial items belonging to a legally known company, should face justice and is susceptible to pay between 2 and 10 million Rwandan Francs.
The one who is found guilty for having counterfeited the commercial items is also susceptible to pass between two or four years in jail.
The Operation was carried out after the companies HP (Hewlett Parkard), Sharp, Baygon, Lacoste , Nike among others have communicated to the National Police that its commercial items have been successfully counterfeited by criminals.
The companies communicated that the items are being sold int Rwanda, and therefore the concerned bodies started investigation.
Many Rwandans tradesmen were arrested while selling items which have been counterfeited in the foreign countries.
The operation that started in Kigali will be conducted in different corners of the country.The operation was done in close partnership with the MINICOM, RBS, PSF and the RDB.
Rwanda National Police warns Rwandans over the purchasing and selling the fake items as the legal procedures will be taken against them.
The purchase and the selling of these fake items will cause more harm than good to Rwandan businessmen, the Police warns.