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Rurangwa Alexis,one of Rwandans fleeing from Tanzania reports that the one of his fellow Rwandans called Ben Celestin was wounded by an arrow shouted by Tanzanians who wanted to take over his cattle.

It is not easy for  Rwandan returnees  to get home
It is not easy for Rwandan returnees to get home.

“It is very horrible to see some of your neighbors angrily fighting against you to force you flee without any significant reason. We were fight against them all the way long until we reach the Rwandan border with Tanzania” said Rurangwa

President Kikwete has communicated to Rwandans that they have not later than 11th, August to have left Tanzania. The date expired Sunday and many Rwandans fled the nation in very sad circumstances.

Mr Rurangwa
Mr Rurangwa.

The returnees are now 3576 individuals but still more others are coming’ said Mr Rwahama Jean Claude.

The RAB representative in Eastern Province Mr Myambi Celestin said that there is a big number of cows entering the border, a number estimated to be 2143 cows and the number keeps increasing.

A big number of cattle is entering Rwanda
A big number of cattle is entering Rwanda.

However the RAB has concerns about the possible overgrazing problems cause by this high number of cows.

Myambi said that RAB has chosen different districts where to host these domestic animals, including Mahama cell in Kirehe,Nyawera Cell ,Kayonza District and in Nyagatare District.

Rurangwa says that Tanzanians high jacked their cattle,30 cows underway. More Rwandans are soon to come in Rwanda with a relative high number of cows and they fear of being more challenged during their pathway towards Rwanda.

It very sad to see how Rwandans are being chased away with their cattle and families
It very sad to see how Rwandans are being chased away with their cattle and families.

Once in Rwandan territory, there returnees are received very kindly, taken care of while they are searching for their families. The ones that do not have family to hoist them they remain in the transit camp as a refugees camp is under construction in Kiyanza.

This forced return to Rwanda comes after the Speech of Tanzanian President criticizing the way Kigali has interpreted his wishes for Rwanda to hold peace talks with the FDLR militia.

For some political analysts this is not a fair way to handle issues between neighboring nations.

