Kicukiro- Early this Monday’s morning, the police shot dead a man who allegedly attempted to rob one of the residents’ house in Masaka Sector, Gako Cell and Kabeza Village while his colleagues managed to escape.
Theoneste Ntatsikira, the Executive Secretary in charge of social affairs in Gako cell, proved to Umuseke that robbers entered the house after breaking one of its windows. Thereafter, the family called upon the police and security guards.
Ntatsikira says he was shot dead after trying to attack the policeman using a long knife that he had used to dig in the house.
He calls upon the residents’ efforts and solidarity to fight against this kind of robbery cases of which he says it has been a long time without facing them in their cell. It’s the first time someone is shot dead robing in this cell.
As yet, investigation is underway while the body of the shot man has been taken to Kacyiru Hospital.

The robbers entered the house after breaking the window