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This Wednesday, 3, July, 2013.BRD signed development related loan equal to $ 10 million whereby  different small and middle enterprises development initiatives in Rwanda.

Kayonga Jack with Rumanyika exchanging agreement papers

Kayonga Jack signing agreements on behalf of BRD said that they received that loan after presenting their business plans highlighting previsions on clients’ future investments and loan requests in the near future.

According to Kayonga, BRD will be keeping on developing its sectors of investments whereby intensive agriculture is among the key pillars.

“This is based on the strong trust built throughout 45 years of experience. We provide loan to our clients and they managed them effectively. They pay back the loan on time and this gives us ways  to improve partnerships with foreign development supporters ”  Mr Kayonga said.

Signing development agreement between BRD and EACB

On the other hand Desiré Rumanyika, the Representative of EACB stated that BRD is a Bank of experience in financial management and deserves more institutional and operational support to achieving its goal.

BRD says that among its longtime development targets involve the investment on the fight against the climate change and global warming effects on Rwandan agriculture

Normally RDB invest not less than $ 75 Million into different development projects highlighted above.

Last year the budget was nearing $ 70 Million.

Vénuste Kamanzi

