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The Transform Africa Summit is the leading African forum bringing together regional and global leaders from government, business and international organizations to collaborate on new ways of accelerating and sustaining Africa’s ongoing digital revolution.

President Paul Kagame
President Paul Kagame

The summit’s final day was highlighted by a keynote address from Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame followed by a panel that included Ruhakana Rugunda, Prime Minister of Uganda, Jose Carvalho de Rocha, Minister of Telecommunications and IT from Angola, Modibo Keita, Prime Minister of Mali, , Flavien Nziengui Nzoundou, Deputy Prime Minister of Vocational Training and Integration of Youth of Gabon, Fred Matiang’I, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Information, Communications and Technology (ICT) of Kenya, Rebecca Joshua, Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services of South Sudan.

President Kagame’s address focused on the steps that African governments must take to drive greater digital adoption and innovation.

He emphasized the need for governments across the region and continent to collaborate on solutions for unlocking Africa’s full potential.

“In Africa, we are fully aware that our continent has often missed opportunities to accelerate development,” said President Kagame. “[By] placing ICT at the core of our transformation agenda we can make sure that Africa is never again left behind.”

President Kagame continued by outlining the key areas of need and the shifts in mindset that would be necessary to further unlock the region’s potential.

The President focused on the imperative to foster an entrepreneurial environment driven by innovation as the key to creating a strong and sustainable knowledge-based economy that can compete on the global level.

“ICT is increasingly making access to world class education and information affordable to everyone,” said President Kagame. “Africa can no longer be excluded from globalization; we must develop our human capital and productivity using the same methods that are taken for granted in many other places. That doesn’t mean anything will be easy, the existence of technology doesn’t automatically change lives. A mindset of curiosity, responsibility and hard work is necessary if we are to become our best selves and to compete effectively in the wider world.”

The final day of the three-day Summit ended with a session entitled “Face the Gorillas” where young entrepreneurs from across Africa pitched start-ups to a panel of seasoned entrepreneurs, Angel investors and other financiers– nicknamed “Gorillas”, as a motivator for young African entrepreneurs.

The financiers bought shares and pledged funding to some of the initiatives judged viable, and promised to continue support smart ideas from young entrepreneurs in the ICT sector.

