Contact Information

Theodore Lowe, Ap #867-859
Sit Rd, Azusa New York

We Are Available 24/ 7. Call Now.

The stylist Hakym Reagan started his fashion related business with a capital of 200 000 Frw but it grew up until now. He spent three years in the industry but he is currently more committed to make it promising and sustainable.

Hakym Reagan underwent intensive training in USA as to professionalize before returning to Rwanda for the business start up.

He also plans to feature with the Film production business but all will depend on the assets available, he adds.

The self employed person reveals that courage and commitment are key in making any endeavor successful.

Hakym Reagan urges young people to increase their creativity in different areas of life and be more willing to work hard for a secure future.

His shop comprises of shoes, clothes, bags (for both men and women).

Some of them were showcased during the recently held fashion show called “Kitenge Dress Code Dinner”.

He plans to stretch his business in different corners of Rwanda as to satisfy the growing number of fashion addicts.

All are welcome to his shop located in the downtown Kigali city
Women dress and men ones are available
Different items made in colorful items in your disposal
Shits and other items
All of these items are made of items locally manufactured

