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Ruzindana Egide has adopted 23 children who formerly were living in the streets. He became able to send them to school where they developed their inner talents.

Ruzindana Egide
Ruzindana Egide

He said that the willingness to adopt those children came in as he heard a voice calling him to spread the gospel and do the deeds of mercy to needy ones.

The IT professional who formerly worked at Telecom House affirms that he heard a voice urging him to start a wide range gospel teaching activities being backed by children.

One of priorities was to change the lives of the children. Those children could be the helpers to spread the gospel message.

In 2008 Ruzindana started the first step of holding talks with the children who were willing to come and integrate his thin centre.

He searched for a house to live in as the number kept increasing.

I am discussed with the young people who were living in the streets and I realized that most of them were talented and were able to preach the good news to the neighborhoods.

He said that spreading the good message of salvation goes together with the provision of material support.

This is the reason why I strived to set up adequate living conditions for them to survive and be psychologically stable, Ruzindana said.

He started the activities with 23 among 10 are undergoing vocational training, 8 are pursuing the primary education while other two more are pursuing the secondary school.

Among all those children there is one single girl who is cherished as their little 12 years old sister.

Ruzindana affirms that he encountered the problem of street living when in Uganda after he left his parents unknowingly.

After suffering a lot in the Ugandan Province of Jinja, he decided to come back home and started to deeply think about the life in the street.

The House where children are settled is called
The House where children are settled is called   Love for Hope, Home for Children”    
Children call him Daddy Yankee
Children call him Daddy Yankee
children are grateful for the support given by Daddy Yankees
children are grateful for the support given by Daddy Yankees
Thierry one of the children adopted by Ruzindana
Thierry one of the children adopted by Ruzindana

