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Yesterday the Paris court has denied to extradite  Laurent Serubuga, Innocent Musabyimana, and Claude Muhayimana in Rwanda as to be charged for their alleged involvement into the Genocide against the Tutsi.

Claude Muhayimana-Uhereye i bumoso), Innocent Musabyimana-deux-Rwandais-soupconnes-d-avoir-participe-au-massacre-de-Tutsis-devant-le-tribunal-a-Paris_univers-grande
Claude Muhayimana(Left), Innocent Musabyimana whom Paris Court denied to extradite to Rwanda.

This decision comes in after a Paris court started to try former Cpt Simbikangwa for his alleged  crimes against the Tutsi in 1994.

The judge in chief simply communicated that the suspects will not be sent to Rwanda, without additional explanations.

The suspects have expressed their concerns  about the impartiality of the Rwandan juridical system. For them the current Law punishing the genocide crimes was voted later after the genocide itself.

For them  the Law that was voted in 1996 should not punish a crime committed two years early.

However,  another court from Paris announced that this Law is valid as in 1948 and 1968, Rwanda has signed an international convention defining a genocide and legal procedures to take against the perpetrators.

In addition to this, Rwandan penal code elected in 1977   defined all crimes  against humanity, including a genocide. So both Rwandan and international penal codes defined genocide with legal procedures against suspects and perpetrators.

