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A 42 year old man has been sentenced to life in prison after he was found guilty of defiling a 9-year-old girl in Rongai, Nakuru. Magistrate Judicaster Nthuku said the medical report presented as evidence showed that Shadrack Majimbo defiled the girl and infected her with gonorrhea.

The man was arrested for having defiled a nine years old girl

The court further indicated that the accused, who was a neighbor to the girl’s family, lured her into his home asking her to help him with household chores.

It was further ruled that witness accounts, including that of the mother, had proved beyond reasonable doubt that the accused committed the offence.

Elsewhere, a Nakuru court has sentenced a 76 year old man to ten years in prison for attempting to defile his granddaughter in Subukia.

Kipngeno arap Bor was accused of dragging the girl into a maize plantation on September 24, last year before attempting to defile her. His efforts were however thwarted by neighbors who heard the girl screaming.

The Citizen 

