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During the debate  that took place this Sunday in the Studios of ISANGO Star, about the  fact that the independence day is not  celebrated as it is for the liberation day, the analyst, Tom Ndahiro, said that the independence was more symbolic than inclusive. His counterpart Musangwa, a senior history lecturer said that even through some of the principles governing the independence were not applied, the independence was a crucial achievement for Rwandans.

Institut Panos Europe
Institut Panos Europe

This core part of the debate was to assess the correlation between the liberation and independence, as key event  that marked the Rwandan recent history.

Musangwa said that the independence that Rwandans have achieved was characterized by the setting up of national flag, anthem and army.

The Belgian flag was replaced by the Rwandan one and the Rwandan army replaced the Congolese security services, he said.

At his side, Tom Ndahiro said  the attainment of the independence did not take into account the brotherhood of all Rwandans as some of the Rwandans were forced to flee the nation while others were enjoying and celebrating the so-called independence.

The independence-related songs were instigating the hate towards the Tutsi.The Abanyuramatwi singers were widely known to spreading the hatred against the Tutsi through their songs, Ndahiro said.

The political parties that were leading the country considered the independence as the gain for the  Hutu  and did not concern the Tutsis, he said.

For him, this kind of independence was symbolic but not inclusive and effective.

Musangwa found that these political weaknesses  can not remove the sovereignty that Rwanda has achieved after raising its flag and having its national anthem and armed forces.

He however agreed that the Hutu led government has been supported by the Belgians as Col Guy Logiest was the brain of the newly established government.

Tom Ndahiro raised another point  regarding the unity character that  was remarkable in other political parties across Africa but, unfortunately, in Rwanda, the political parties were discriminatory as the names such as PARMEHUTU were symbolizing the Hutu majority and ideology.

For him, the liberation is more important than independence due to its unity related character that has helped all Rwandans come back in the motherland and live harmoniously and are currently becoming internationally recognized as strong nation.

The Liberation has fulfilled the spirit of independence that is the oneness of all nationals for the attainment of  a politically and economically strong nation, Ndahiro has pointed out.

He said that as the independence of the 1962 was not fully achieved therefore the liberation was needed as to fulfill the independence related character.

Asked why the independence is not cerebrated currently if the liberation has fulfilled the independence, Ndahiro responded that there is no significant need to celebrating an event that did not characterized the Rwandan spirit.

Some of the listeners said that independence  is not worthy to be cerebrated as it did not reflect the brotherhood of all Rwandans.

Other listeners found that each government sets up its important dates. For them, cerebrating dates does not have much significance as all depends on the willingness of the political leaders.

This weekly show takes place every Sunday, from 2h00 pm up to 3pm. It is intended to strengthen the critical thinking of Rwandans about different issues that concern Rwanda and the international scene.

It is aired at Isango star, Inkoramutima, Ishingiro, Izuba and Isangano radio stations.


