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In Gacaca Cell, Rubengera Sector, Karongi District rumors are spreading  upon the death of a 14 years old child Uwizeye Willy , some claiming that he committed suicide using a rat poison he drunk while others say he hanged himself using a cord.

Karongi District map
Karongi District map

One child closer to the dead  said that Uwizeye has been  beaten by his mother in the morning and as he became too sad he decided to commit suicide by drinking a rat killer poison.

Different people said that the child to hang himself  he used a cord even if though the  reason behind is not fully graspable for a   14 years old child.

Normally quarrels between a child and a  mother are not susceptible to lead to suicide.

The mother of the dead child  Madame Hakizimana Chantal known as Madama Willy agreed to have beaten  her child but adds that she did not intend to harm him as her unique child.

The body of the child has been buried Saturday, the Police says the diagnosis results are not published yet as to know the exact cause of the death of the 14 years old  Uwizeye Willy.

Uwizeye Willy was a primary school student in P5  in the Ecole Etoile  Rubengera.

