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FDLR  rebels have decided to cease the raids against Rwanda. This has been  made public by the Executive secretary of the Forces Démocratiques de la Libération du Rwanda, Col Wilson Irategeka who said that since the 30 January 2014, rebels will never keep attacking Rwandan territory.

One of the FDLR rebel
One of the FDLR rebels

Even if the rebels affirm to no longer attack Rwanda, the Rwandan government announced that it will never hold talks with genocide perpetrators.

After the military defeat of the former M23 rebels, the UN peacekeeping forces alongside the FARDC are eager to neutralize the FDLR with all remaining rebel groups operation in the DRC.

Since then, the FDLR keep asking to hold peace talks with Rwanda regime so that they can  cease raids to Rwanda.

Col Irategeka told RFI that his armed forces decided to stop its raids to Rwanda if the international community forces Rwanda to engage talks with it.

We decided to put our weapons down because every time Rwanda wants to invade DRC and steal its minerals, the regime takes the neutralization of the FDLR is the only priority it has. Therefore we want to contribute to peace re-establishment in the region through ceasing the raids, Col Irategeka told RFI.

Reacting to this, Olivier Nduhungirehe  one of the high level representatives of Rwanda in UN said that the only thing that Rwandan government wants is to disarm those rebels, repatriate them and reintegrate them in the normal life as every Rwandan.

The Rwandan government can not hold talks with a genocidal movement. We want the genocide perpetrators to be tried and punished if found guilty. Innocent people  will be integrated in the normal life, Nduhungirehe said.

Rwandan government vehemently denied to hold talks with FDLR rebels, as rebel group  made up by genocide perpetrators in 1994.

The FDLR rebel  group members have fled the nation 20 years ago. The group is listed by USA as a terrorist group to be neutralized.

