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Col Kazarama told Umuseke that current bombings over M23 and civilians under its protection should be stooped if MONUSCO  wishes to restore peace.

Col Kazarama JMV Spokesperson of M23 rebels/photo net
Col Kazarama JMV Spokesperson of M23 rebels/photo net

Asked about whether his team is not fearful over MONUSCO determination to disarm them, he responded  that  M23 has a legitimate reason to fight for  its causes while MONUSCO does not.

For Col Kazarama,the most threat to the population is posed by FARDC white colored  helicopters that are fired over civilians.

Normally the MONUSCO helicopters do fire over M23 but according to Col Kazarama, since last week end these planes are bombing them.

He said that the current claims according which FARDC alongside MONUSCO defeated the M23 during last heavy fighting are futile.

Asked about the accusation according which the M23 has fired over Rwanda, he responded that if this was the case, local population would have walked over Goma protesting against the FARDC incessant bombings.

Until now 80 persons lost their lives during the recent fighting that took place at Kanyarucinya and Kalimanyoka regions.Today fighting stopped but fear reigns at place.

Col Hamuli Olivier did not manage to respond to the telephone as Umuseke reporter wanted to find  his views over the allegations according which his army keeps violating human rights of Kivu inhabitants.

MAISHA Patrick


