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The chief manager of the National Unity and Reconciliation Commission Bishop John Rucyahana has wondered whether the economic development that Rwandans enjoy, does evolve at the same pace with spirituality. For him, both should be applied  the same way as to help citizens live peacefully.

Bishop John Rucyahana
Bishop John Rucyahana

He said that as he was attending Christian gathering prepared by the singer and writer Diane Nkusi Rebecca while he was presenting her new book.

The book explains how Godly teachings can help spouses live in a harmony and lasting peace.

Attendants discussed on how they can commit to their marriage oath and therefore make their marriage fruitful.

Bishop John Rucyahana reminded leaders that a permanent assessment and self criticism can play a significant role in providing effective and transformative leadership that citizens deserve.

He added that social and economic development should not leave the spirituality aside.

The bishop reminded that both men and women should uphold their vows up and stick on it as to remain  faithful to one another.

Writer Diane Nkusi Rebecca told Umuseke that such gathering intends to increase the awareness of Rwandans on spiritual matters and therefore get close to God and to Jesus His Son.

