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Minister of gender and family promotion Madame Oda Mukabagwiza told journalists that the affirmative action that has been established by the government of Rwanda is a process that continues in order to bring upon equality for both males and females in all level of national life .


She said that during a live show that took place simultaneously at six radio stations such as Isango, Izuba, Isangano, Ishingiro, Radio Dix, Inkoramutima and Voice of Africa .

Minister Oda Gasinzigwa responding to the concerns of journalists that affirmative action on behalf of women is no longer needed as it is seen as a means to exclude men from public institutions .

Minister Oda Gasinzigwa started by reminding listeners  that Rwandan history and culture discriminated women and girls from  being involved in key areas of nation life .

To correct this mistake,current government has set affirmative action policies to uphold women in order to let them utilize their knowledge for development .

For journalists, the affirmative action has bore its fruits as now  women better represented than men in key positions of national life .

Minister Oda Gasinzigwa
Minister Oda Gasinzigwa

Minister Gasinzigwa responded that affirmative action takes into consideration different areas of national life . That is why the policy keeps developing women in economic cases where women still are under represented .

A journalist revealed to the Minister that in some districts of Rwanda, female students are govern some incentives while their brothers do not.

Minister Gasinzigwa said that if these motivational gifts are only given to  girls, it is a mistake .

“Gender policy takes into account both  boys and girls’, she said,if these issues really happen they should not be happen again because affirmative action does not exclude boys.

People who intervened in the show kept saying that the time has come to stop the affirmative action on behalf of women and girls because it creates the confidence on girls that they do not need to work hard and win .

For Minister Oda Gasinzigwa the policy to help women emerge intends to build strong pillars for the development of the nation. It does not intend to promote the weak .

The affirmative action has been initiated by the current government after 1994 genocide against the Tutsi.It aims at empowering women so that they can reach the level men have reached .

After 19 years people wonder whether the policy did not achieve its objectives thus to close it up .

But according to the officials the journey remains long .

European Union
European Union

This show takes place every Sunday from 2h00 to 3h00 pm . The aim is to promote the culture of debate among Rwandans and strengthen free expression of one’s views on important issues at both national and international levels.

It is sponsored by European Union and is conducted under the supervision of the IPP and ARJ .


