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This statistics comes from a report of  the Transparency International that aimed at sensitizing media on the usefulness to reporting  on corruption in order to eradicate  it once for all.

The Workshop  was conducted by Mr Alphonse Nkusi among others
The Workshop was conducted by Mr Alphonse Nkusi among others

The Transparency International Rwanda aimed at showing to journalists  the indicators about the levels of corruption in the country with hindrances  faced in order to dethrone it.

According to statistics 27,1% of the respondents said that they do not report about the persons involved in corruption because, the research says, they find no possible positive outcomes .

15,8 % of respondents affirm they never saw one giving  or receiving corruption of any kind.

14,3%are fearful to report on corruption  for different reasons.

According to Karasira Pierre Claver, among  12,926 cases  his institution has received only 41 cases relate to corruption.

The TIR (Transparency International  Rwanda) has set five active branches across Rwanda in order to receive claims including corruption from the local population.

These branches are in  Rubavu,Musanze ,Rusizi ,Huye and Kayonza.

Journalists who attended the workshop affirm that they are resolved to  increasing their advocacy on corruption issues so to reduce its amplitude.

Five persons among ten  who talked to the Umuseke reporter  said they cannot report on their bosses corruption issues adding  it cannot change nothing.

Three of them say that if they find they bosses being involved into such misbehavior they immediately can call the Office of the Ombudsman  or to the Police to report on it.

Two from them say that they can report on it if the case  formally involves them.


