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Ministers in charge of tourism dockets in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania are meeting in Arusha to discuss issues affecting the industry in the region. Among key issues to be discussed includes the single tourist visa, insecurity, disparities in fees charged and cross border cooperation in wildlife law enforcement.


A statement from the EAC secretariat said the five-day meeting will also agree on cooperation and support in addressing multi-lateral environment agreements.

Key among them are requirements for multiple entry visa for visitors to partner states, denying entry of tourist vehicles registered in other partner states, harassment of driver guides at the border crossing into another partner state, disparities in fees charged, cross border cooperation in wildlife law enforcement, cooperation and support in addressing multi-lateral environment agreements.

Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda raised their concern on their tour operators being denied entry into either country in 3rd and 4th Meeting of the Sectoral Council on Tourism and Wildlife Management in February 2010 and in September, 2011.

The New Vision

