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Gardening ‘linked to longer lives

Pottering around the garden or fixing up the house has been linked to a longer life in a study of people over the age of


Tobacco Killer Number One in the World -WHO

According to statistics from WHO  tobacco kills more than 6 million people a year, particularly in less developing countries. Tobacco  harms parts of the body especially


Madagascar bubonic plague warning

Madagascar faces a bubonic plague epidemic unless it slows the spread of the disease, experts have warned.The Red Cross and Pasteur Institute say inmates in


“Guns Do Not Make a Nation Safer,” Say Doctors

A new study reports that countries with lower gun ownership are safer than those with higher gun ownership, debunking the widely quoted hypothesis that guns


Rutongo Hospital to be replaced.

The renown Hospital of Rutongo Hospital is going to be replaced by a new  and innovated one scheduled to be built in Remera Mbogo in the


Are We Eating Our Way To The Grave?

Every morning Joan a 28 year old mother of one wakes up in the morning heads to the kitchen prepares a heavy breakfast that has


Your Grandfather Causes Your Baldness

As people age, the sands of time pour quicker towards the bottom of the rush hour glass.  With each passing grain, the body goes through


Sitting at the edge of your grave?

Many people suffer with back pain and it can be frustrating, especially if it affects one’s work and sex life. Many jobs require a lot of


Manage cholesterol with berries

You may have seen gooseberries, locally called entuntunu, on sale on the streets or in supermarkets. Gooseberries, scientifically called ribesuvacrispa, are green, yellow, white or


How to protect our kidneys and why!

Kidneys are two-bean shaped organs that are usually found underneath the surface of the middle and low back region of the body. The right kidney