YALI Rwanda – 57 trained into skills shaping and development

A group of youth coming from four corners of Rwanda attended a one day leadership Workshop organised by YALI Rwanda  under the theme: “Developing Values and Endurance in Young Leaders’ at one of the Rwanda Library Services’ conference rooms located at Kacyiru.

Youth attending the workshop yesterday in one of the Rwanda Library Services’conference rooms

This workshop was organised a group of six young Rwandans who underwent a two months’ intensive training on entrepreneurial and leadership skills development in US’ prestigious universities. Those six young Rwandans met the US President during the closing ceremony of the above fellowship .

The yesterday’s workshop was organised YALI Rwanda in partnership with both US Embassy in Rwanda and the Yale University. The expert invited by YALI Rwanda to deliver her insights in the field was  Ms Rachel Adams specialized into anthropology working for Yale University as an Associate  Director for Africa at Yale University.

She underlined the importance of skills development, talents discovery and  goal oriented spirit. One  of the key ingredients of an effective leader or entrepreneur is to uphold  values basing on one’s strengths rather than focusing on one’s weaknesses which are likely to reduce the pace of the business.

Ms Adams told the participants that one’s strengths are the assets that can be developed through constant practice  that leads to perfection.

She advised them define which areas of their beings and businesses need more support to develop and therefore reach a relatively perfect stage.

Practice again and again and reach mastery, she told them.

The trainees went back home with adequate knowledge about how their inner talents can be discovered, sharpened and invested towards a well defined achievement.

For them this will accelerate the pace of Rwandan development and the one of Africa in general.

I was impressed by the willingness and commitment that Rwandans have nurtured for the development of their nation. The most thrilling about that  is the key role the youth plays in this journey towards sustainable development, Rachel Adams told UM– USEKE.

One of the YALI Rwanda members who prepared the Fellowship Hitimana Nadia, revealed her intentions to share the acquired knowledge with  the rest of young people she will meet as  to let them know their abilities to step forward and overcome daily hardships and poverty.

For her, this is one of the tools that any nation is to use so that its population may became self sustained.

Rachel Adams from Yale University
The group of six Rwandans members of the YALI Rwanda organisation




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