RSSB aims at building accommodation facilities to all categories of Rwandans

During a Radio show that took place yesterday at Isango star radio station, the CEO of the RSSB(Rwanda Social Security Board) Dr Ufitikirezi Damien said that the RSSB has a wide construction project that aims at building accommodation houses to different categories of Rwandans, affordable to all depending on  their financial capabilities.

ARJ-PANOS: The Organisors
ARJ-PANOS: The Organisors

Journalists, Muvunyi Fred and Solange Ayanone asked why the first phase of construction will concern highly expensive houses( between 124 and 300 million Rwf)  while it could  easy and preferable to start with cheaper houses.

To this Dr Ufitikirezi Damien said that the monetary benefits that will be collected afterwards through the rent of these expensive houses will be invested into building the cheaper ones.

He said that during the project plan, the institution analysed all possibilities to build accommodation facilities that will befit every category of Rwandans.

We have chosen to build houses for highly earning people, middle and lower classes  so to help each category acquire estate houses that favor their living conditions, he said.

Dr Ufitikirezi  said that the ones who will buy these expensive houses will have access to more facilities, including playgrounds, nearby schools and so on.

Bahati Munikira in charge of marketing  and business issues in RSSB said that the expensive houses are for highly earning Rwandans, both living in Rwanda and abroad, and are for foreigners who are willing to live in Rwanda.

One of the journalists asked where the estate houses to be constructed by the RSSB will not face income generating challenges as other houses constructed earlier are not fully occupied nationwide.

Mr Bahati Munikora responded that the fact that some of the houses are not yet occupied, resulted from the financial capacities of the RSSB’ clients in different corners of the nation, adding that currently all estate houses are almost occupied.


The difference between estate houses, according to the RSSB officials, depends on their  location, Dr Ufitikirezi said.

Houses located in Gacuriro are not as expensive as these ones located in Niboyi or elsewhere, Dr Ufitikirezi said.

A journalist asked what will happen if the expensive houses will not be rent, because the incomes generated from them are the ones to be invested into building the cheaper ones, in the second phase.

Dr Ufitikirezi responded that nothing will hinder the first phase (expensive ones) from being built.

He added that the investors chose to invest into the most expensive phase, seemingly due to the financial part of it.

The first phase of the project is cost 85 million US $ but the Kinyinya Estate houses budget is not yet established.

Rwanda Social Security Board is a state based institution that provides insurance services and is investing into estate houses as to help workers have access to decent houses according to their financial abilities.

During this weekly show (Sunday, 2h00-3h00 PM), at the international level, the participants discussed about the fragile peace situation that is prevailing in Ukraine where superpowers are struggling to have a peaceful consensus about the Crimea province that dismembered itself from the Ukraine recently.

The participants included:Dr Ufitikirezi Damien, Bahati Munikira, Gacenderi Hyacenthe  and a journalist Jean D’amour Ahishakiye  from the Kigali Today.




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