Categories: RWANDA

Paris- Former members of the Interahamwe accuse Simbikangwa

At the fourth week of the hearings on the Simbikangwa case in the Paris Court, the first witnesses are the ones who worked alongside Cpt Simbikangwa either from his native province, the former Gisenyi , or from Kiyovu Sector where Simbikangwa resided.

The suspect uses a wheelchair as he attends the Court hearings

Most of the witnesses against  Simbikangwa were among the former Interahamwe militia who have been found guilty by Gacaca courts to have committed the genocide against the Tutsi.

AFP, a French News Agency, reports that the court hearings about  Simbikangwa case reach at the focal point whereby witnesses and the lawyers of Simbikangwa are currently providing key explanations that are likely to be influential on the final decisions of the judges.

The defense side on behalf of Simbikangwa affirms that witnesses are contradictory on their  arguments. Simbikangwa has been the chief commander of the former Republican guards of late President Habyalimana Juvenal. He is undergoing charges on his alleged participation on the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi.



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