Categories: RWANDA

New lists of Ubudehe categories still have shortcomings-say Journalists.

Journalists from different Radio stations  and online media discussed about the weaknesses observed during  the categorization of university students  in the Ubudehe.


The show  was broadcasted  by  different radio stations which  are Isango  star, Isangano, Ishingiro, Izuba , Inkoramutima and Voice of Africa,  a radio synergy set up to foster the spirit of debate on serious issues the nation undergoes.

Presenters in the show were Madame Solange Ayanone and Fred Muvunyi.

The guests in  the show were Ms Liliane Umugwaneza (Flash FM), Mr Danny Richard Iraguha (Isango Star), and Mr Anthere Rwanyange from

Other guests were the Prime Minister  Dr Habumuremyi Perre Damien Ministers of Education Dr Vincent Biruta  and the Permanent Secretary Dr Mukabaranga Alivera , guests  who did not manage to attend.

The main topic to discuss upon was the observed shortcomings on the elaboration of  the new lists of students to receive the governmental fees to help them learn at university known as bursary.

Journalists present at the show highlighted that one of reasons why the list was not as accurate as expected is that the policy was set up  and applied quickly.

It would be better if the policy could have taken time  take time to be studied before its  application so to let people get prepared to pay for their children in University because it is not easy to pay it without enough preparation, said one of the journalists.

National University of Rwanda from which students who claimed came from.

Another concern was that students were not fully informed on the claiming about the categories they were put on.

The ones who recently were listed as deserving the support are the ones who managed to claim via different media;through twitter , facebook , or wrote letters to H.E Paul Kagame to let him know their concerns.

After the new list of students worthy to receive the support , many other  students still say they are unjustly unlisted while they should.

The ones who managed to get to the list say that they were sent to different universities other than the ones they are used to study in, journalists revealed.

Others say that they belong nowhere on the list while they underwent a check up from their respective  homes.

Concerning the role journalism has  played to inform the population about the situation, journalists said  media faced challenges relating to barriers of not receiving  information from trusted sources, meaning Ministries in charge or REB (Rwanda Education Board).

As the senior officials  invited in the show were not around to react on the issues raised by journalists, the  debate was not as  informative on the issue  as it  was expected to be.

EU logo

This show is under sponsorship of  European Union and supervised by both IPP and ARJ, two institutions aiming at fostering  debating culture and free speech on issues of national interests.

The show takes  place every Sunday from 2h00 to 3h00 PM  broadcasted on all the radio stations shown above.




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