Does the Investigative Journalism exist in Rwanda?

That was the topic of discussion during a Radio Show held at Isango Star this Sunday,Morning. Solange Ayanone alongside Muvunyi Fred tried to explain it saying that it is a kind of journalism that searches full information concerning an issue of public interest and publish it  for general understanding of truth pertaining to that specific  issue.


The guests who manged to attend the show were Mr Ntamuhanga Ningi Emmanuel and Mr Edmon Kagire from The Eastern African Newspaper.

Is there an investigative journalism in Rwanda asked Solange AYANONE to Mr Kagire.

Highlighting that an investigative journalism does exist,he however added that it still faces challenges relating to either  lack or insufficiency of both skills and financial means to do the job professionally.

It has been proven that some of our colleagues do not have adequate knowledge and skills to be get engagered in this kind of profession.

Kagire added that investigative journalism in Rwanda is hindered by a remarkable unwillingness of media houese bosses who find this profession very financially demanding.

No lie but Truth

Ntamuhanga Ningi Emmanuel ,a veteran journalist,adding on what Kagire said ,told the  Muvunyi that there is another serious issue that hinders journalists from engaging on investigative journalism,that is ‘fear’.

Asked about what kind of fear he spoke about,Ningi said that journalists sometimes are worried about their safety as this kind of journalism points out issues relating to corruption and mismanagement of the national wealth.

Badly motivated people can hunt down investigative journalist who investigates  about the issue.

According to Ningi,local population also fear to deliver information, claiming that it can negatively affect them.They prefer silence and injustice rather than justice ,he says.

This is a kind of fear that Kagire called “the Fear of the Unknown”.

Explaining what he meant by Fear of the Unknown, Kagire told his story whereby he was writing a story of this kind and one his colleagues advised him to stop it or just change the style he was using.When he asked him why ,he responded that here things are not done this way.

This shows that some of us have fear  of the unknown:some one will kill me,will challenge me etc.added Mr Kagire.

Detailing challenges relating to financial weakness of some media,Mr Ningi Emmanuel took an example of a story that requires to get on ground and search for info,the media authorities may be either unwilling or financially unfitting to let the journalist do the job the way it has to be done.

For Kagire ,print media are the most concerned with this kind of journalists due to its nature. Documents and books are the milestones of the investigative journalism according to him.

There is another issue that hinders the Investigative Journalism from being effective,this is the laziness and lack of professionalism of some journalists .

Some of them chose to work in their offices rather than getting out and meet  population. Kagire told Muvunyi that some journalists do not respect code of conduct regulating the profession in general and investigative journalism particularly.

“Some of them are subjective rather than objective”.

Four listers who intervened in the show via messaging ,reported similar problems investigative journalism undergoes in Rwanda.Most of them highlighted issues relating to both poor skills and finance.

Muvunyi ending the first chapter of the show asked his guests they find any hope for investigative journalism to develop in the coming future.

Both Kagire and Ningi affirmed that this will materialize as capacity in both skills and finance ,will increase. Ningi underlined the fact that local population are a cornerstone throughout this process. Partnership between all stakeholders will make happen,Ningi Emmanuel  said.

Zimbabwe Presidential Elections:

Mugabe 89 years old is re-elected as Zimbabwean President .Do you find Mugabe will leave power one day.What about the claims of MDC of Tvangerai Morgan that the vote was not fair ?asked Muvunyi .

Kagire revealed that Mugabe forged results through technology and that, according to one Kagire’ friends,this gives more chances to Mugabe  to win the elections and rule.

Ningi added that Mugabe is a ruler forever,until death takes him away.

This Show is called Urubuga rw’Itangazamakuru,whereby different journalists debate on issues that have made the headlines during an ending week.It is under the sponsorship of European Union.

ARJ(Association Rwandaise des Journalistes), with Radio Isango closely are part of the editorial team.

Nizeyimana Jean Pierre



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