
STEPHEN HAWKING: Trump ‘is a demagogue’

What's more complicated than theoretical physics? It's not a trick question. Superstar scientist Stephen Hawking has theorised extensively about black…

8 years ago

Ex-Marine Charlie Linville Becomes First Amputee Veteran to Scale Everest

A Marine who lost part of his leg in Afghanistan has become the first combat amputee to reach the summit…

8 years ago

Twitter is about to fix one of the most annoying parts of its product

Twitter is about to make a long-needed change that will make everyone's lives easier. The company will no longer include…

8 years ago

White Rhino vs Lion Pride

If you are one of those blessed human beings who has had the privilege of observing each member of the…

8 years ago

Now experts say don’t change your password!

It is one of the banes of modern life – you finally come up with a memorable yet secure password…

8 years ago

Kigali: A clean city and an environmental friendly one

Rwanda as whole has proven to be a geographically well settled  nation that comprises of hills, mountains, volcanoes, plains, parks…

8 years ago

The REAL da Vinci code

While the face of the Mona Lisa is famous the world over, the face of its painter Leonardo da Vinci…

8 years ago

The sacred lake of Gana Talao

Every year on the tiny island of Mauritius a great pilgrimage occurs. Thousands of Hindus make the rugged journey to…

8 years ago

The ‘founding fathers’ of Europe

Modern humans arrived in Europe 45,000 years ago but little is known about how they spread across the continent before…

8 years ago