Loneliness can kill

Loneliness is often ignored but it can have adverse effects on one’s health. Conditions such as sleep dysfunction, psychological distress,…

10 years ago

10 Foods That Damage Your Teeth

Most people know candy and other sugary foods wreak havoc on their teeth, but how about fruit? You’ve probably heard brushing…

10 years ago

Hey Guys, What You Eat Affects Baby’s Health

There’s a lot of pressure on pregnant and and trying-to-get-pregnant women to do the right things: get the right vitamins,…

10 years ago

WHO: Malaria Control Efforts Saved 3.3 Million Since 2000

Global efforts to curb malaria have saved the lives of 3.3 million people since 2000, cutting global death rates from…

10 years ago

Fathers Need to Eat Healthy Before Conceiving

While most people understand the importance of a pregnant mother’s diet on the health of the baby, new research says…

10 years ago

Global cancer cases reach 14 million, World Health Organization says

The number of people being diagnosed with cancer in the world each year has leaped to more than 14 million,…

10 years ago

Doubt cast on vitamin D’s role against disease

Scientists have cast doubt on the value of vitamin D supplements to protect against diseases such as cancers, diabetes and…

10 years ago

Sugary drinks linked to increased endometrial cancer risk

Sugar-sweetened beverages have long been associated with a number of health risks – including obesity, diabetes and heart disease.  And…

10 years ago

Brain research looks at how we shop

Psychologists are trying to find out what goes through shoppers' heads when they pick up supermarket bargains.Using a £3m medical…

10 years ago

Carrots becomes the superfood for sperm health

A new research has named carrots to be the new super food to make the sperms healthier enabling them to…

10 years ago