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The ex-spy chief Patrick Karegeya was found dead in a Johannesburg hotel called Michelangelo Towers Hotel in Sandton.

Karegeya Patrick
Karegeya Patrick

Karegeya has been  a chief intelligence since 1994 until 2004. He went in hiding in 2007 after the military court  accused him of misconduct, deserting from his military functions and treason , among others.

The opposition party, RNC (Rwanda National Congress) operating in South Africa announced the death of Col Karegeya.

According to Dailynation, the RNC statement reads “The Rwandan opposition is deeply saddened to announce the assassination of Colonel Patrick Karegeya in Johannesburg,” the Rwanda National Congress (RNC) said in a statement.

“His body was found in a hotel where he went for a meeting.”, the Statement continues.

Karegeya has been discussing with his relatives on 31, December, 2013, around 19h30. One of his close relatives found him dead in the Michelangelo Towers hotel.

Meanwhile South African Police  says it is investigating on his death  while the medical autopsy analysis is still underway.

