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South Province -A meeting between the Muhanga District officials with local bank managers to find out by mechanisms can be taken to protect people’s money stored in banks.

Mutakwasuku Yvonne with both bank and district staff members
Mutakwasuku Yvonne with both bank and district staff members

This meeting takes place as  recently  Bank security guards,with sticks in hands,were shot dead  by robbers who took people money and ran away.

This is what brought the District officials to meet with the bank managers to discuss about hiring armed security keepers so to resist  against these  evildoers.

Normally these institutions were protected by the security keepers holding woody sticks.

The Agaseke Bank Manager,Mr Niyigaba Francois said that his center is search on ways to discuss with security companies to hire armed agencies for the safety of people money.

A joint meeting between banks and security companies is scheduled to take place next week to find out how partnership for the security can be  achieved.

MUHIZI Elysee 

