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Preference for one hand or foot over the other, known as laterality, has been studied in humans chiefly as it relates to language development. Most people are right-handed, the side of the body controlled by the left side of the cerebral hemisphere, which is usually the language center.

Left handed people use right hemisphere of the brain
Left handed people use right hemisphere of the brain

A fairly strong link between hand preference and foot preference has been observed. As for eye preference, it is much more ambiguous.

For example, a recent study in India, reported in The International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research, found no significant relationship between dominant eye and dominant hand.

A 1983 study in The International Journal of Neuroscience, involving 7,364 children, found that only about 40 percent showed consistent lateral preferences of hand, eye and foot; about 37 percent favored the right side and about 3 percent the left.  As for the other 60 percent, they showed 10 different preference patterns.

Hand and foot preference are usually fairly easy to observe. To determine eye preference, a simple measure called the Miles test is often used.

The subject is asked to focus with both eyes on an object framed by the fingers of both hands, held at arm’s length. If the left eye is then closed and the object remains visible, the subject is right-eyed.

Source:International New York Times.

